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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Internet and relationship
The word â€Å"dating†and â€Å"relationship†varies a great deal from bygone eras and now. Innovation had a colossal effect of the cognizance of â€Å"hookups†, â€Å"friends†, and â€Å"friends with benefits†. Web, mobile phones, masses, and numerous different assets changed the manner in which adolescents consider the other gender or a similar sex too. Connections ended up being â€Å"the old fashion†and hookups are the best. In the first place, connections aren't that genuine any longer. Adolescents are searching for something new, meeting sexual, something to turn them on.Backbone is one of the most utilized locales in nowadays; it associates you to the world and let you meet another distinctive kind of individuals around the world. â€Å"Backbone is the most helpful apparatus for dating since the creation of the case of chocolates. It might likewise be the most hazardous danger to dating since terrible breath†(Fox, Stuart). Th is age for the most part ponders attaching with hot folks, pretty young ladies, kissing, engaging in sexual relations, embracing, and being a tease. Through web, two individuals can do a ton, they can visit, video cam, talk secretly; meet new individuals and a ton more.Internet isn't legitimate now and again. A great deal of sites and masses are impacting adolescents to do awful stuff or to race into things before now is the right time. Spine, Namespace, twitter, and numerous other interpersonal organization sites aren't private any longer. Anybody thinks about you, what you like and don't, your relationship status, and what you are searching for. â€Å"With person to person communication destinations, with Backbone, in the event that you click that you're seeing someone, [notifies] everybody that you're seeing someone. Its open telecom, this isn't a piece of a decent relationship†(Fox, Stuart).Dating isn't about adoration from the start site, or holding up by her home. It i sn't about feelings any longer, it's just about what a young lady or a person needs. They need something new, something to discuss or feel pleased. â€Å"Social organizing has made a variety of new dating rules, making the old style â€Å"wait three days before calling†appear to be interesting by comparison†(Fox, Stuart). With respect to me, I see that this sort of connections and the love of the web use is a risky circumstance. Young people Just need to do what others are doing whether it is correct or wrong.They Just would prefer not to be failures, so they adjust and do what their friends do. They hookup, do irregular sex, be a tease, and that is it. No one thinks about one another inclination as long as you are getting what you need, everybody profits by everybody. At last, web has assumed a major job in the young person's reality as well as in everybody's reality. Time has changed; innovation is showing signs of improvement a seemingly endless amount of time aft er year. â€Å"Relationships†are currently an old design approach to go out with a person/young lady and at long last somebody's heart will be broken.Hooking up won't get anybody's heart destroy, it is Just you would what you like to without any cutoff points or rules as long as at long last they are Just called â€Å"friends†. Work refered to Fox, Stuart. â€Å"Backbone adds new hazards to custom of dating†. Hyper Cot 2. Web Cot 4. Definitions: Most of young people who take part in hookups despite everything stress over being prudent. Cautious: having or demonstrating wisdom or practical insight in lead and particularly in discourse: judicious; particularly: fit for protecting reasonable quiet. Tall and thin Lanky: tall and lean, or long and slim: regularly used to propose ponderousness in appearance or step.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ancient Roman Meals :: essays research papers
Antiquated Roman Meals      The antiquated Romans were like todays ages in their eating propensities yet never ate three generous dinners daily. Ientaculum and prandium were just tidbits that filled their stomachs unitl the enormous cena, the occasion they anticipate since arousing. They had names for their suppers like our own, breakfast (ientaculum), lunch (prandium), and supper (cena).      Breakfast, ientaculum was typically taken around nine o'clock and comprised of simply a couple of bits of bread sprinkled in salt or dunked in wine, and with a scarcely any raisins and olives, and a little cheddar included. The least fortunate Romans ate minimal other than wheat either squashed to make a porridge or ground into flour for bread.      Lunch, or prandium was normally taken around early afternoon. It was normally nothing in excess of a bit of bread joined by chilly meat, vegetables, and natural product washed down with a glass of wine. Both ientaculum and prandium were so short there was no compelling reason to prepare the table or wash ones hands.      The just genuine feast was the night supper or cena. Supper time was for all intents and purposes the equivalent for all Romans because of the absence of counterfeit light. Supper was after the shower toward the finish of the eigth hour in winter and at the ninth in summer. The food is generally chilly,- breads, servings of mixed greens, olives, cheeses, and meats remaing from a nights ago supper. Every so often, hot dishes, for example, ham and pig's heads are eaten upon. Some rich Romans would have upwards of seven courses to benefit from.      Trimalchio, a rich Roman would have a tanned jackass with hors d'oeuvre dishes of olives, stuffed dormice abounded in nectar and poppy seed, hot hotdogs were laid on a silver flame broil close to pomegranate and damson seeds. The visitors were as yet occupied with the appetizers when a plate would be acquired with a container on it, in which there was a wooden hen spreading her wings. Under the straw were Peahen eggs that would base dropped. Each egg contained a fat becafico moved up in spiced egg yolkf. There were plates with the twelve signs of Zodiac on them that had food matas ching the image, smash, bull, crab, figs, lion, and so on. A few hosts would warm a wfshole pig and afterward engage his visitors by having talented swordmen cut the dad fig like he was executing it. In the wake of eating, numerous visitors would engage each othed sfr in burping. It was thought of gracious to burp and discharge wind after a ni sce feast. Visitors would basically snap their fingers and hirelings would come running with jars to contain pee.
Friday, August 14, 2020
How You Can Start A Business With No Money
How You Can Start A Business With No Money How many times have you heard aspiring entrepreneurs lament that, if only they had money, they would have been able to set up their own businesses and even expanded it? It is a generally accepted fact that, in order to start a money-making venture, you have to have money to kick things off. But what if you do not have money? Is it still possible to start a business?Surprisingly, the answer is yes. And that is what we will look into in the succeeding discussion. © | JingaIn this article, I will explore 1) the tips and methods on how you can start a business with no money, 2) success stories, and 3) start today.TIPS AND METHODS ON HOW YOU CAN START A BUSINESS WITH NO MONEYHere are some useful tips or methods that you can follow if you want to start a business, but you do not have money as starting capital.A. Create what you canThis is common sense, really, and a principle that all aspiring entrepreneurs should follow. Start a business in an area that you know, or are familiar with. Keep in mind that you already lack in financial resources; add a very steep learning curve about your target business, and you will have more difficulty getting started.So how should you get started? The first step to take is to find out what you are familiar with, and what you are good at. List them down, no matter how personal they are. Are you skilled in construction? Are you the artistic type? Perhaps you are good in dealing with various t ypes of people and personalities. Maybe you are skilled in computers.Listing them down will help in making things more concrete for you. From there, you can assess whether the business idea currently brewing in your head will pan out, considering your strengths and know-how.Once you have cleared that stage, it is time to decide the options available to you, and they include some of the following:1. Make something with the intention of selling itIf you are good with your hands, this will be no trouble at all. Of course, considering the fact that you do not have money, you won’t be able to hire workers to create the product for you. That means you only have yourself to rely on. Therefore, it is up to you to make the product that you will sell.Granted, making something will still entail a bit of cash outlay, considering you need to purchase some supplies. But that is just the initial cost, and if you play your cards right, you will be able to sell the product for an amount that i s significantly more than the initial cost you paid for the supplies or raw materials.But making the product is not all there is to it. You also have to consider the platforms where you will sell your goods. Say, for example, that you are very good in baking pastries. You have the baked products, but where will you sell them? You could probably go door to door, personally bringing your products to places where your target customers are, such as offices and schools. Some even go as far as bringing their samples to already established bakeries, coffee shops, and stores. The more tech-savvy individuals will make use of the internet, advertising their baked creations to their social circles.Let us take a look at some of the more popular platforms available to budding entrepreneurs.Etsy is now a household name, having established itself as one of the largest online markets for handmade goods. Etsy demonstrates a classic case of making something with what little resources you have and sel ling it at a premium. Here, you will find vintage and handmade items, ranging from jewelry to household items, toys, and educational items.eBay is also another of the most recognizable names when it comes to buying and selling online. In fact, you will often hear people say that if you have something to sell, post it up on eBay. Through the years, eBay has evolved and came to introduce various features that simplify the selling and the buying process, from ordering to payment.Bonanza is yet another online marketplace where entrepreneurs can sell their goods and wares. List your items for free, sell them to buyers expressing their interest, and get the sales, giving a small percentage to the website for acting as an intermediary.2. Provide your services to those that need it.You cannot make anything, but you can probably perform an action for someone. This means you will be providing a service for others, in exchange for a fee. Delivery and courier services may have started this way, too.Just like when you create a product for selling, it is also important to identify the platforms for selling your services.3. Resell something.Do you have items that are still in good condition that you no longer have use for, but will still have value for others? They may be interested to purchase them once you resell them. If you don’t own any, why not look for items that you can resell? Try scouring thrift stores and garage sales, and you will be surprised at the gems that you will stumble upon. Some may be sold as they are while others may require some rework or modification. Still, you can still fetch a handsome price for them where you will make more than a decent profit.Reselling is not limited to used goods alone, since you can also get into the act of buying something to resell it at a higher price. But what if you don’t have money to buy the items that you will be reselling? Another alternative is consignment. This is an arrangement between a consignor and a consignee. A consignor leaves his products or goods in the possession of the consignee, who is tasked to sell them. A large percentage of the sale will go to the consignor, and a lesser percentage will be left with the consignee, who did the actual selling.There are many advantages to building your business around what you know instead of veering off outside your comfort zone.You don’t have to waste time and money in learning a new skill that is related to the idea you are planning to launch as a business, because you already have firsthand knowledge about it.Since you are already an expert in that area, you no longer have to bring in consultants or other experts to help you out. It is your business, and you know best.There is another thing that you should take into consideration aside from your knowledge and skill set: your interest. You must have an interest or passion for that idea. Otherwise, you will not have enough motivation to see it into fruition. Besides, it is more fu n to be doing something that you actually enjoy, rather than something that you have to do in order to earn money.B. PivotingThis method essentially involves providing services in order to generate cash flow that, in turn, will be used to fund the manufacture of products. That is to say that the main goal of the business from the beginning was to sell a product, and not to sell a service. Being a service provider is just a means to an end; in this case: funding a products-based company. Hence, the term, “pivotâ€.Some software companies start in this manner. Since they do not have enough money to fund their product development projects, they are willing to work for other, bigger, software companies, performing services such as software integration or testing services. The cash that they are paid from performing these services will then be used to fund their own product development.C. GrindingAs a business owner, especially one with not enough money, you would have to be wi lling to go into the trenches, so to speak. Do the menial and manual labor, if you have to. Since you cannot afford to pay people to do the hard work for you, you have to do it yourself. Meet up with potential customers and suppliers and negotiate with them face to face. Knock on doors, pound the streets, and do all the work. Yes, you have to grind and sweat it out.Be present at ground zero. You still cannot afford to launch a marketing campaign or pay for ad spaces. That is not a problem; you can be your advertiser. Tell everyone what you are doing or what you are up to. Let your family, friends, acquaintances and other contacts about your new business and what you are offering. Ask them to spread the word and let this be the beginning of your business being introduced to more customers.D. DifferentiationMake yourself stand out. When applying for a loan, for example, how can you convince your potential creditors that you are a good bet? If you have a letter of commitment from a n investor with a good reputation with the creditor you are applying to, this would definitely help a great deal. It will also be in your favor if you are able to present a contract for future revenue, showing your potential creditors that you will be able to have revenue coming in.E. Seek financingThere are funding sources everywhere, and there is bound to be one that is perfect for you, if only you know where to look. And only if you do try to look.As much as you want to start your own business on your own steam, it is still an inescapable fact that, sometimes, you cannot do it alone and you need help. If you are averse to applying for a loan from banks and other financial lending institutions, there are still some ways that you can finance your business.1. Get a line of credit.Fortunately, there are now a lot of banks or institutions that offer credit lines specifically designed for startups, so that they can grow, especially during the early stages of operation. This is especially useful for working capital purposes.Many startups make the mistake of incurring too much debt that they get buried in it. Avoid amassing too much debt when you are still in the early stages of the business. Do not pay all your expenses using your credit card, especially when you already have some revenue that you can use. You will find that you may end up paying more in finance charges and interest.2. Consider using a business incubator sponsored by colleges, universities, and local economic development agencies or organizations.Incubators are programs that provide funding specifically meant as financial assistance to startups. One of the most common types includes offering office or business space, so the startups do not have to spend too much on overhead. Even shared administrative services are also offered.3. Look into the possibility of using crowdfunding platforms.In crowdfunding, a business idea is pitched to the public, with the intention of seeking funding . The public will then invest a small percentage of money to fund the product development project, with the understanding that they will have priority for buy-ins in the future when the product has been fully developed. Raising the money is done typically via the internet. The entrepreneur will initiate the project by making the proposal; groups or individuals that are interested in the project will come forward and show their support through giving monetary contributions; and a platform acts as a moderating organization, serving as a bridge between the two parties.The most popular crowdfunding platforms today are Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and IndieGoGo.4. Seek out an accelerator.The concept of accelerators is similar to that of business incubators. The only difference is that an accelerator expects a faster response to its investment, hence its name. Business incubators relatively take a longer time.SUCCESS STORIESNow let us take a look at some success stories where the founders o f the businesses were able to grow their businesses that they have started with little to no money. If we’re going to start naming examples, a classic scenario would be of Disney.Walt Disney grew up in a farm, but he had exceptional talent in drawing. He first started earning money by drawing pictures for his neighbors, and moving on to making advertisements, using his skills as a cartoonist. Soon, he was known to be one of the pioneers of animation, founding one of the most enduring companies in film, media and entertainment.But here are a couple of more recent examples.Nasty Gal is now one of the most recognizable names in fashion retail aimed at young women. But did you know that Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso started out in 2006 by selling old pieces of clothing? She started by opening a store on eBay, where she put old clothes that she purchased for cheap at thrift shops and secondhand stores. Soon enough, she was able to establish her store as a reliable source of vintage fashion.In one article, Amoruso disclosed that, on one of her forays in a Salvation Army store, she was able to score a Chanel jacket for only $8. When she sold it at her shop, she was able to get more than $1,000 for it.Amoruso did all the hard work herself from the beginning. She personally scoured the secondhand stores and hunted for vintage pieces. She also served as the product manager, styling the pieces, taking photographs of them, and writing product descriptions for each item. When orders came in, she was the one who personally packed and shipped them to the buyers. Aside from using eBay, she also connected to customers through her MySpace account.Today, Nasty Gal now has its own website and domain, and employs more than 200 people. It has also launched its own apparel and accessories lines and collections, such as Shoe Cult, Nasty Gal Denim Collection, Nasty Gal Lingerie, and Nasty Gal Swimwear. In December 2014, it also branched out in the cosmetics field by partnering wi th MAC Cosmetics.Did you know that Mattel (yes, the company responsible for young girls everywhere wanting to live vicariously through Barbie and her beau, Ken) started out making and selling picture frames? Married couple Elliot and Ruth Handler started making picture frames from their garage in South California. From the scraps of the picture frames, they started making dollhouse furniture. This became a hit, and so they left picture frame making altogether and concentrated on toy-making instead, taking advantage of the baby boom at the time.They came up with a string of toys that met moderate success. It wasn’t until they released Barbie that they finally hit the jackpot. It certainly has come a long way from that small business that started operating from a garage.START TODAYDo not make having no money as an excuse not to start your business today. If you think you have a good business idea, and now is the perfect time to get it off the ground, and then do so. Strike while the iron is hot â€" yes, even if you have no money. There are ways to start your business even if you are financially strapped.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
What Is a Plant in the Study of Economics
In the study of economics, a plant is an integrated workplace, usually all in one location. A plant generally consists of the physical capital, like the building and the equipment at a particular location that is used for the production of goods. A plant is also called a factory. Power Plants Perhaps the most common phrase associated with the economic understanding of the term plant is the power plant. A power plant, also known as a power station or generating plant, is the industrial facility involved in the generation of electrical power. Like a factory where goods are manufactured, a power plant is a physical location where utilities are generated. Most power plants generate electricity through the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. In light of the modern push for more renewable sources of energy, there are also plants dedicated to the generation of power through solar, wind, and even hydroelectric sources. Power plants that harness nuclear energy are a frequent subject of international discussion and debate. The Economics of Plants Though the word plant is sometimes used interchangeably with the words business or firm, economists use the term strictly in relationship to a physical production facility, not the company itself. So rarely is a plant or factory the sole subject of economic study. Rather, it is generally the business and economic decisions that take place surrounding and within the plant that are the topics of interest to economists. Taking a power plant as an example, an economist might be interested in the manufacturing economics of the power plant. This is generally a matter of costing, which involves both fixed and variable costs. In economics and finance, power plants are also considered long-lived assets that are capital intensive, or assets that require investments of large sums of money. As such, an economist might be interested in performing a discounted cash flow analysis of a power plant project. Or perhaps they are more interested in the return on equity of a power plant. On the other hand, another economist might be more interested in the economics of plants in terms of industrial structure and organization. This might include an analysis of plants in terms of pricing decisions, industrial groupings, vertical integration, and even public policy affecting those plants and their businesses. Plants also hold relevance in an economic study as the physical centers of manufacturing, the costs of which are very much intertwined with sourcing decisions and where companies choose to set up the manufacturing portion of their business. The study of the economics of global manufacturing, for example, is of constant debate in the financial and political spheres. In short, though the plants themselves (if understood as the physical location of manufacturing and production) are not always the primary subjects of economic study, they are at the center of real-world economic concerns.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Definition and Examples of Sound Change in English
In historical linguistics and phonology, sound change has been traditionally defined as any appearance of a new phenomenon in the phonetic/phonological structure of a language (Roger Lass in Phonology: An Introduction to Basic Concepts, 1984). More simply, sound change might be described as any particular change in the sound system of a language over a period of time. The drama of linguistic change, said English lexicographer and philologist Henry C. Wyld, is enacted not in manuscripts or in inscriptions, but in the mouths and minds of men (A Short History of English, 1927). There are many types of sound change, including the following: Aphesis and ApocopeAssimilation Dissimilation and HaplologyLexical DiffusionMetanalysisMetathesisPrinciple of Least EffortProthesisSyncope See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: The Great Vowel ShiftGrimms LawIsoglossLanguage ChangeMutationPhonologyPronunciationWord Boundaries Examples and Observations An understanding of sound change is truly important for historical linguistics in general, and this needs to be stressedâ€â€it plays an extremely important role in the comparative method and hence also in linguistic reconstruction, in internal reconstruction, in detecting loanwords, and in determining whether languages are related to one another.(Lyle Campbell, Historical Linguistics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. MIT Press, 2004)Pronunciation of SchwaThere is a growing body of evidence that frequently used words quite often get affected earlyâ€â€an observation first made in the 19th century. . . .Consider the words adultery, century, cursory, delivery, desultory, elementary, every, factory, nursery, slavery. If possible, write them down on a piece of paper and ask several friends to read them out loud. Better still, get people to read sentences which include the words. For example: A cursory glance at the newspaper suggests that adultery is on the increase in this century. If you think slavery has been abolished, go and look at the factory at the end of our road. Every mother will tell you that nursery schools are a mixed blessing. Make a careful note of how the crucial words are pronounced, and see if your results agree with those of a linguist who carried out an investigation of this type.The investigator noted that, according to the dictionary, all words which are spelt with -ary, -ery, -ory or -ury are pronounced somewhat as if they rhymed with furry. The vowel preceding r is a so-called schwa, a short indeterminate sound written phonetically as [É™], and sometimes represented orthographically as er (British English) or uh (American English). In practice the schwa was not always pronounced. It was usually omitted in common words such as ev(e)ry, fact(o)ry, nurs(e)ry, which were pronounced as if they were spelt evry, factry, nursry with two syllables only. In slightly less common words, such as delivery, there was fluctuation. Some people inserted a s chwa, others omitted it. A schwa was retained in the least common words, such as desultory, cursory.(Jean Aitchison, Language Change: Progress or Decay? 3rd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001)Theories of Sound ChangeVarious theories of sound change, some of them proposed a century ago or earlier were current in the [19]70s. There was a longstanding traditional view about sound change being due to speakers modifying their pronunciation either to make it easierâ€â€to expend less effortâ€â€or to make speech clearer for the sake of the listener. Another one was espoused by Halle (1962) that language change, including sound change, served to improve grammar by making it more cognitively simple to compute. Postal (1968) suggested it was due to speakers desire for novelty, i.e., sounds change for the same reason that hemlines and haircuts change. Lightner (1970) claimed it was to avoid homophony--despite the abundant counter-examples that show homophony as the result of sound change. These are all teleological accounts, that is to say, they assume that the changes are purposeful, i.e., that they [are] motivated by a goal of some sort . . ..(John Ohala, The Listener As a Source of Sound Change: An Update. The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, Production, and Social Factors, ed. by Maria-Josep Solà © and Daniel Recasens. John Benjamins, 2012)The Neogrammarian Regularity HypothesisIn the 1870s a group of linguists now generally referred to as the Neogrammarians created a lot of attention, controversy, and excitement with the claim that unlike all other linguistic change, sound change is regular and operates without exceptions.This Neogrammarian or regularity hypothesis led to a great deal of valuable and interesting research. However, as can be expected, such a strong claim did not remain without a good deal of often quite vociferous opposition. . . .[I]t is important to note that the neogrammarian regularity hypothesis has proved to be enormously fruitful, no matter how accurate it may be in fact. For it forces the linguist to look for explanations of apparent irregularity, either by establishing a non-phonetic source or through a better formulation of a given sound change. Either way we learn more about the history of a given language and about the nature of linguistic change than if we subscribe to a view that does not expect regularity in sound change.(Hans Henrich Hock, Principles of Historical Linguistics, 2nd ed. Walter de Gruyter, 1991)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reaching Your Potential Free Essays
After I read this article I fond out that managing yourself is a good way to be successful. There are some strategies of how to achieve higher levels of success, such as knowing yourself, excelling at critical tasks and demonstrating character and leadership. The purpose is to clear understand who you are and what your dream is. We will write a custom essay sample on Reaching Your Potential or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is one strategies really touched me is that knowing your self from strengths and weakness can help you to achieve your dream or goal. First, knowing yourself is telling you to understand what are your strengths and weaknesses when you start your career. Some people can easily tell what are their strengths, but hard to defined the weakness. Talking to other people who knows you is a good way to get the answer. After finding the weakness and strength, the next thing is to ask yourself about what is your dream work and what do you enjoy doing? Then keep your strength and face your weakness in order to reach your full potential. I do agree this strategy and it helps a lot, I still remember when I started working, I wasn’t good at communication at first. However, my job required me to communicate with different manufactures, so I need to negotiate with different departments and sometimes I am asked to go to the factory to see the quality of samples. It requires a certain level of communication skills. In order to practice my communication skill, I try to write down my points before conversations. After a lot of time practice, I can clearly state my point of view. I faced my weakness in order to do well with my job. I think those practices not only improve my working ability but also having a good effect even up to now. Secondly, Excelling at critical tasks is to know how to develop your skills and how to distribute times after a critical business meeting. In order to reach your potential, it requires introspection and certain proactive behaviors. This strategy reminds me of my previews manager when I working in a French fashion company. She is good at using spare time to find useful information. In my memory, she always came to office half hour earlier and collected some latest news from fashion newspaper and websites, and prepared work to each designer. This is a good way to distribute times and practice the skill of colleting useful information. Last but not least is demonstrating character and leadership, a leader is a good decision maker and benefits the organization’s overall performance, and also they need to speak up and make better choices. I think leadership is a major element in management field, and better leadership can make company better organized. In conclusion, the advice for you to reaching your potential is to identify your dream, develop the skills after finding your weakness, and exhibit character and leadership. How to cite Reaching Your Potential, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Frankenstein and Sleepy Hollow Essay Example For Students
Frankenstein and Sleepy Hollow Essay In this essay I will discuss the generic features of the Gothic Tradition. I will describe all of the aspects of the tradition and I will support the aspects with examples from well-known Gothic related films such as Dracula, Vincent, Nosferatu, Frankenstein and Sleepy Hollow. There are many common features in the Gothic Tradition; one of those features involves the use of a sense of atmosphere. In most Gothic films the weather usually is terrible. The weather tends to consist of either a storm or some is lightning. Also the atmosphere would be very dramatic. There wouldnt be very much daylight, so it would be dark. A full moon would be out as an extra to give a bigger feel for the atmosphere. An example of this type of atmosphere is well shown in Frankenstein. In the film Frankenstein a storm takes place. It is very dramatic because the scientist was in need for his creation to come to life. It was very dark and there was a full moon out, which gave the atmosphere a more frightening feel. There was also suspense to whether the creation was going to come to life. Also the film Dracula distinguishes a good atmosphere. In that film it was very dark and dingy. The setting is also another common factor. Most Gothic films set the scene in a castle, a haunted mansion, in an isolated forest or and old area. The features in a scene would include statues such as gargoyles. The area of these buildings would be uninhabited and isolated. If the scene were set in a castle there would be a laboratory and many secret passages. A good example that perceives a good setting is the film Sleepy Hollow. The scene was set in an isolated forest. There was the mystical tree, which separated the 2 worlds.Also another good example o f a good scene was well distinguished in the film Frankenstein. This is because Frankenstein has a good scene set in an old castle, which was isolated. There were also some secret passages. Dracula also was set in a castle, which was old, enclosed and huge in size. Emotions are another generic aspect of the Gothic Tradition. This emotion could be fear, frustration, panic and trepidation. A great example of this feature is shown in the film Vincent. Vincent the character himself was lonely because he had grief for his dead wife. He had love for his pets and his wife.He had a passion for his creation. With that creation he had malicious intent in mind. The film was very melodramatic. One more example was in the film Dracula where the vampire had the desire to suck blood from his victims and that was malicious intent. Characterisation is another aspect of the Gothic Tradition. In Gothic films there is usually a villain and a hero fighting for something. It turns out to be the primal fight between good and evil. There is sometimes a damsel in distress. There usually is a supernatural element. There is always purity and an impurity in a Gothic film. A good example is perceived in the film Sleepy Hollow. In that film there was the group who were the heroes and from the mystic tree the headless horseman came as the villain. The white horse was the purity and the headless horseman was the impurity. Another good example was set in the film Dracula. There was the vampire who was the villain and the boy who was the hero. There was a supernatural element in that film. The final generic feature in a Gothic film would include a theme. The themes commonly would be about good versus evil, death versus life, heaven versus hell, love versus hatred or finally despair versus hope. .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa , .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .postImageUrl , .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa , .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:hover , .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:visited , .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:active { border:0!important; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:active , .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3eaca6ed0e3fdcc1b0f0ec6469c12cfa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dear Diary EssayAn example of this feature is well portrayed in the film Dracula. There is the evil that is Dracula and the good that is the boy. Also in Sleepy Hollow it was good versus evil and death versus life. In Frankenstein there was despair and hope to whether the creation would live or not. Finally in Vincent, there was the love for his wife and the hatred caused by her death.
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